DuPont High School - Old Hickory Championship History

DuPont High School - Old Hickory

Old Hickory, TN (Davidson County)

DuPont High School - Old Hickory

Old Hickory, TN (Davidson County)

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Established in 1926 as an extension of DuPont Elementary, a school built by the DuPont Nemours Company during WWI.  The first senior class graduated in 1928.  DuPont High School was built in 1930.  The first principal was C. P. Ferguson.  A lighted football field, the first in the county, was added in 1936. The school, which stood on the property which is now DuPont-Hadley Middle School, was destroyed by fire in 1967.


Championship Record: 17-23
Appearances (17): 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1969, 1968, 1967, 1966


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